
Jackson's Favourite Book

This is promotional clip for the book Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger.  It is considered as one of the greatest American novels ever written according to various reviewers and favorited by many people around the globe. Catcher In The Rye is the classic tale of a teenage boy named Holden Claufield. He is a rebellious and anxious student from a prep school aspiring for greatness in his life. Holden takes the reader on a journey along with him, through the different and lively scenes of 1940's New York city, where he ventures for a short weekend after his life at school go near hell-bent. This is personally one of my favourite novels of all time, because it inspires me almost every day to explore the world around me and take in as much inspiration as I possibly can. Whether you agree its one of the greats or not--and even I don't think it's the best novel ever written--but its something that all readers should read at least once in their lifetime.   

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